Butte County Nonprofit Sustainability Project

Client: California Community Foundation

Project:  Butte County Nonprofit Sustainability Assessment Report

Service Area:  Landscape Scan

Content Area:  Climate Equity, Safety Net, Affordable Housing

The California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund, in partnership with North Valley Community Foundation, wants to understand the impact of the November 2018 Camp Fire on Butte County’s safety net and the ability of nonprofit service providers to meet growing community needs.  

They hired csb philanthropic solutions to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the pre- and post-fire safety net needs and the nonprofit sector’s capacity for meeting these needs.

Cassandra is conducting interviews and focus groups with community leaders, as well as quantitative data analysis, and will use the information gathered to develop findings regarding the strengths and gaps in the current safety net. Working with local leaders to make meaning of these findings, she will then develop recommendations for philanthropic (and other) investments to strengthen the nonprofit safety net in Butte County.

You can read the report for this work, “Strengthening the Safety Net in Butte County,” here.